v6.4 [Feb 12, 2016]
May include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
v6.2 [Sep 6, 2015]
Ultra Realistic Render
A photo-realistic, cinematic look and feel in iClone is now a reality. Thanks to GPU accelerated raytracing render capabilities in Indigo RT, your characters, props, and scenes now look completely different from before. To streamline this unique workflow, Reallusion provides automatic shader mapping between iClone and Indigo. In addition, users can perform custom refinement using Indigo's unique shader options, or download Indigo's material library to achieve even better results. Skylight and emissive material settings ensure correct global illumination, and allow for realistic light behavior via reflection, refraction, transmittance, and caustic effects. Furthermore, the physical camera DOF and tone mapping system can be combined with excellent lighting and materials to create vivid and astounding story visuals like never before!
*NOTE: In order to work with this feature, the Indigo Render Plug-in is required.
Real-time Surface Smoothing
As you may know, Reallusion is working hard on the development of iClone 6, and you might be wondering about what sort of astounding improvements it has in store. Reallusion is bringing you cutting-edge real-time visual technology in iClone 6 that can help to expand your production potential. We now introduce real-time surface smoothing, which essentially smoothes out the appearance of objects and characters in your scene so they look more detailed and of higher quality.
Tessellation from DirectX11
Tessellation allows you to add geometry details to any model and have it render in real-time via the addition of height and vector displacement maps. This is made possible via DirectX11 support within iClone 6.
3D Visuals from 2D Image Displacement Maps
In a real-time environment, it's difficult to create detailed surfaces without raising polygon count significantly. Thanks to tessellation technology, your GPU can dynamically generate mesh details by applying a displacement value from height or vector displacement maps. This means that you can physically manipulate the geometry of your low-poly model to give it a greater sense of depth and detail without increasing the polygon count.
Custom Gray Maps
Anyone can create monochrome image maps with popular image-editing tools such as Photoshop or GIMP. By using grayscale height maps, you can push and pull the surface of a 3D model to achieve the ideal look you desire.
Sculpting Highly Detailed Models with Vector Displacement
Vector displacement technology allows artists and developers to start off by creating detailed models in programs such as ZBrush, Mudbox, or 3D Coat, and then extract displacement maps to later be applied to a simple geometric shape. This process is ideal for real-time engines like iClone, and produce results that are incredibly similar to your actual model. One of the huge advantages of vector displacement is the ability to produce undercut details on your model. While height displacement simply stretches out geometry, vector displacement produces refined curves and edges, creating an unparalleled sense of detail to your model.
Soft Cloth
One of the long-anticipated features soft cloth in finally here with iClone 6. The animated character will look super natural with flowing hair, skirt and physical movement. No more penetration, the real-time simulation performance is much better using the new NVIDIA PhysX engine.
Weight Map for Smooth Transition
Soft cloth is an incredibly versatile feature that can be used for hanging, swaying, or rolling motions in your scene. You can use the gray map to determine which part of the cloth is controlled by cloth physics and which part is let free or governed by skin-bone control. We've also added wind behavior in order to make soft cloth self-animated, allowing for much more natural movement without external animation forces.
Natural Hair & Skirt Movements
Animated characters will now look incredibly realistic by incorporating flowing hair, skirts, and other physics-enabled objects to their bodies. The real-time simulation via NVIDIA's PhysX engine means no more penetration of physics objects into the body. You can even bake these simulated physics results and re-use the animations.
Collision Shape Editing
Characters models can now realistically interact with other physics objects in your scene. Simply select any body part and resize the graphic reference to match the desired collision area, then go wild with any number of interesting physics interactions.
Object-oriented Constraint
v5.5 [Aug 11, 2013]
- Added: 64 bit version of iClone officially released.
- Added: Added .wmv(VC-1) and .mp4(H.264) output to 64 bit version.
- Added: Added iMotionPlus format (Contains Motion, Facial Animation, Visible, Spring and Sound).
- Added: Added Bake Constraint key (Including Path, Reach, Link, Contact and Look at).
- Added: Added Translate (Stretch) Bone option to Motion Layer Editing.
- Added: Now able to edit Height Map Terrain including Height Map layouts and textures.
- Added: Added the Level-of-detail Options for Height Map Terrain in Real-time Playback & Editing.
- Enhanced: Height Map Terrain Physics; added Collision Margin, Friction and Elasticity.
- Enhanced: Facial Creation Tools Enhanced:
- Control points for facial fitting optimized.
- Viseme visual quality enhanced.
- Added animated tongue.
- Updated interface for side-facial fitting.
- Fixed: Lipsync lost frames during playback if the audio length was over 60 seconds.
- Fixed: Added back Spring Effect for Gwynn character.
- Fixed: Fixed the lip keys to show "None" when loading old iClone4 data.
- Fixed: Fixed inability to adjust the transition length for Reach/Spring Key.
- Fixed: Fixed Insert Frame in project track did not affect the Animation Layer track.
- Fixed: Fixed iClone4 project tendency to use embedded textures as external textures, resulting in inability to find textures in iClone 5.
- Fixed: Fixed sequence image output failed in some special environments caused by hard disk space misjudgment.
v5.4 [Mar 12, 2013]
-Full Facial Animation for Non-standard Characters
-Unique Behaviors through Custom Expression Data
-Look At and Auto Blink for Non-standard Characters
-Viseme Strength Tuning
-G5 Talking Heads for Better Lip-sync and Tongue Movement
-View Bone Mode and Edit IK for Extended Bones
-Spring Multi-track for Natural Movement
-Motion Modify to Increase Motion Varieties and Posture
-Motion Layer for Props
-Custom Spring Effects for Props
v5.1 [Jan 7, 2012]
In version 5.1, it is provided an additional mocap system aside from the current one which uses the Open NI SDK. The new option uses the latest available Microsoft Kinect SDK Beta 2, which currently works with computers running Windows 7 or above. It includes new drivers and enhanced APIs, providing better calibration, more articulate motion data and stability. Previous mocap plug-in users can download it in their member page after registering the serial number of the plug-in. The new SDK allows end point motion capture, which means your head or wrist movements can be recognized for more natural animation. With the help of Kinect’s auto motor adjustment and floor alignment functions, your feet movement will be better aligned with the virtual floor, preventing unnatural floating foot movement. Aside from the new exclusive features included with Kinect SDK Beta 2, there are some other great improvements in mocap capabilities for both mocap launchers. You are now able to choose “full-body” or “upper body” to perform half-body capture while in a seated position. On the other hand, you can also mask out specific body parts to
combine with existing motion, or add knee rotation constraint for a more stable capture. With v5.1, you can access to the full set of advanced physics constraint settings to simulate real-life mechanical structures with realistic physics behaviors. The enhanced multiple constraint capabilities also open up the possibilities for interactive prop controls which can greatly simplify your animation design process and provide a great natural result. Before v5.1, physics objects were restricted to a single physics state for the duration of the project. Now you have the power to make states changes to physics objects by using key frames. For example, you can take a moving car with a kinematic state and switch it to a dynamic state at a certain point to cause the object to roll forward on pure momentum. Physics State keys are stored in a dedicated timeline track for further editing.
New features:
- Added: Right click to switch pin state under motion layer
- Added: Parent & Local option for Gizmo Rotation
- Added: Press hotkey W, E, allows toggle switch World (Parent) & Local
- Added: Direct Puppet - Add mirror function
- Added: Allow use right mouse click to switch Direct Puppet pin state.
- Added: Added tab hotkey to jump to start and end of each clip in the clip track in Timeline
- Enhanced: Enhanced performance in scene manager
- Enhanced: Dragging Left-Right palm in Motion layer would spread open and close palm.
- Fixed: Side face image not obvious while creating a face.
- Fixed: Motion Layer - Mirror function not work properly while the character is rotating.
- Fixed: Fixed deformed lag issue after save and reload of some G2 Characters.
- Fixed: Fixed set follow cam to current view and switch camera causes project load failure.
- Fixed: Fixed some object transform value convert failures caused them to appear upside down or disordered.
- Fixed: Fixed system task bar set to left or right causing iClone window to be cropped when maximizing window.
- Fixed: Fixed particle effect always on the front when Toon or Ambient Occlusion effect set to On.
v4.3 [Aug 7, 2010]
Faster & Smarter Manipulation
- Drag and drop editing from files on your computer or external hard drive.
- Gizmo manipulation with 3D Viewer.
- Ability to direct your actor or prop with accessory hot key menu in the Director Mode.
- Dockable and collapsible Timeline Editor.
popVideo & 3D Video FX
- Supports video files (AVI, WMV,MOV, FLV, etc.) in any texture channel.
- Video layering for background, titling and SFX.
- Turn video with alpha channel into popVideo for iClone.
- Place video on any surface of 3D objects for 3D video SFX.
Visual Enhancement
- HDR (High Dynamic Range) effects.
- IBL (Image Based Lighting) effects.
- Enhanced shadow map for flexible shading effects.
- Particle softness and orientation for realistic SFX.
- Rotation-driven spring animation for naturally moving hair and skirts.
Smoother Animation
- Motion Path with speed, orientation and editing control.
- Transition curve for more natural object movement.
- Smoother camera motion for better camera movement.
- Full hand gestures with fast motion editing.
- Motion reverse.
Built-in Facial Editor
- Facial puppeteering ¡V Use your mouse to select and direct the facial features of your actor as you play back in real-time.
- Enhanced G4 bone system with facial bone level morphing and key editing.
- Enhanced facial tracks in Timeline for keyframe or motion clip management.
Texture Share & Blending
- Decrease file size by using external textures and sharing textures for multiple objects.
- Eyedropper and paint bucket for quick texture editing.
- Adjust UV map with rotate, mirror, and invert.
- Blend textures with different modes: multiply, addition, overlay.
One-click 3D Stereo Output
-Create eye-popping and stereoscopic video by clicking the '3D Stereo Vision' option in the export panel.
-Supports 'Side-by-Side', 'Anaglyph' and other 3D outputs, which allow you to view 3D video with general or special monitors plus 3D glasses.